Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last Stop Thailand...

Don't know if anyone is reading this anymore, but I'm back home... yay! I'm ready to return to being a productive member of society. After 5-7 months of traveling (depends on whether or not you count domestic travel... I think that I've had my fill for now! All together the past year saw trips to Arizona/New Mexico, New York, Miami, Portland/Seattle/Vancouver, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Qatar, India, China, and Thailand.

Just a brief rundown on Thailand (I'll keep it short, because it seems like most people have already been to Thailand)... beautiful beaches and the blueest water I've ever seen. I was hesitant to go at first, because it was monsoon season, but we found a really cheap ticket and 4 star hotel right on the beach for only $65 a night. I wasn't disappointed though... even at the end of this 1/2 year traveling saga I still managed to find something that I've never seen before. The waters of Ko Phi Phi were unbelievably blue. Almost unnaturally blue and the cliffs and the mountains crashing into the water were really impressive. I wish I was better with words so that I could describe it to everyone.

We spent most of the trip sitting on the beach of Phuket. Although Phuket was not terribly scenic, the beaches were relatively empty because of off season. We did take a canoeing trip, which was kinda fun... but the highlight was the end of the trip, when the entire boat crew put on a show for us. Not to sound like a teeny bopper... but OMG... that was crazy stuff. The first guy came out and did an entire MC hammer routine... and he completed the entire song and he was like dancing and high fivin everyone... madness. Then the next two guys came out and started break dancing, and they were GOOD. Let me tell you, they could give little kids in Central Park some good competition. Then the headliner came out... in true Thai fashion MC hammer transformed himself into a tranvestite showgirl/beachgirl and pranced around singing and blowing kisses to the crowd. The best part was that his face was painted white with that life-guard sunblock and his lips were a nice deep red... quite the sight that dude. He somehow managed to pick me to start the conga-line (spelling?) with him... and I whole-heartedly obliged... I must say he did have really REALLY REALLY nice legs...

We also managed to make a trip out to Ko PHi Phi to see the most amazing water in the world and do a little snorkeling. Unfortunately the on-again-off-again rains didn't permit for any diving. Oh well....

Well... that's it for this trip. I'll post my pix when I finally sort through them. Thanks for readin



gee said...

hey! i think you're in ny by now...
glad i caught you before you left! are you gonna keep posting on this blog? b-school adventures ;)

Anonymous said...

Thailand is such a touristy place